Sanborn Progress Over Bay City West

Sanborn reports Bay City West Lines 1-10 6" nadir complete.  …

Sanborn completes Beaumont Lines 1-20

Aircraft 735BT completes first 20 lines of nadir/oblique imagery…

Sanborn Progress Bay City West

Sanborn reports Baytown West Lines 1-5 6" nadir complete.  …

Sanborn Collecting Beaumont

N735BT crew has collected lines 11-15 3" nadir/oblique of Beaumont…

Quantum Collecting Northern Watershed

Quantum reports lines 11-17 captured (N22GE).  Currently landed…

Sanborn Actively Collecting

Sanborn reports lines 1-10 complete of Beaumont AOI (N735BT). …

GIC Harvey Map App Updated

New 6" nadir imagery for Southern Calhoun County and the Baytown…

Sanborn Collecting Over Beaumont

Sanborn reports N735BT currently collecting over Beaumont. …

Quantum heads for Northern Watershed

Clouds have lifted.  Quantum crew (N22GE) taking off from Galveston…