API 2.0 – Improve Your Workflow with New Features

API 2.0 has launched and with it comes a multitude of benefits for developers, all designed to be more intuitive and user-friendly than ever before. Below are just a few of the latest features and enhancements:

  • Streamlined services: simplified access to services such as collections, events, extract, and tile for all product types (3D, DSM, DTM, Ortho, Oriented)
  • Parameter names: naming is unified across many services to aid in alignment
  • Restructured data layers: easily get to the layer you need with access-by-geofence; all you need is to define your layer by desired product type
  • DSM/DTM extract: no more getting DEM tiles one-by-one; now get a single geo-referenced TIFF with all necessary tiles merged together
  • Elevation data: streamlined workflow for getting elevation data–just provide a wkt geometry, we append a z-value (elevation) for every coordinate for faster results
  • 3D Cities: access the latest 3D tiles up to zoom 23, available through purchase
  • JPEG/PNG format logic: both formats contain the same compression level, but JPEG (as the smaller sized file) will be returned for all tiles unless transparency is needed
  • Admin tools: control granular API access with your own bespoke complement of Vexcel products/services to suit your geospatial needs

And more!

Already a developer using Vexcel APIs?

Check out our API 2.0 documentation to get a jumpstart on the migration process. You can also request more information via the form below.