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Together, Vexcel and GIC have fully aligned their strengths to streamline efforts and enhance innovation, while continuing to provide the high-quality aerial imagery and coverage that insurers trust.
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Together, Vexcel and GIC have fully aligned their strengths to streamline efforts and enhance innovation, while continuing to provide the high-quality aerial imagery and coverage that insurers trust.
As hoped for, flying conditions remained solid throughout Friday, yielding 15 fully loaded data units. In an effort to get the data into the processing pipeline as soon as possible, we skipped the usual commercial delivery options and went DIY. A member of the NICB (henceforth known as ‘super agent Todd’) loaded the units into plastic storage containers and red eyed them to Denver where our crew was waiting to meet him. After a middle of the night handoff, our GIS team began pushing the raw imagery through the pipeline immediately. The fruits of this effort will be apparent shortly as imagery goes live in under 18 hours from wheels down!
Kudos to all – shaving many hours off of the data delivery has allowed us to have massive amounts of new imagery online today. Stay tuned here on the blog, or follow our twitter feed for updates. Extra special thanks to Super agent Todd – we promise you a K-9 escort, or at least a shoe phone next time.
Data Unit handoff in the parking lot.