Additional Beaumont Imagery Uploaded

More Beaumont imagery has been processed and uploaded.  Notice…

Additional Brazos Imagery Uploaded

Additional  Brazos 6" nadir imagery from yesterday’s flights…

Beaumont Completed and Uploaded

Sanborn crew reports completion of 6" nadir collection of Beaumont…

Quantum Begins Uploading Beaumont

Quantum has started the upload process for the 6in Beaumont imagery. …

Sanborn Uploads Bay City Imagery

Sanborn reports upload for Bay City has completed.  This mission…

Brazos Data Uploaded

Sanborn reports that the 20% of 6" nadir data of Brazos that…

Beaumont Nearly Complete

Sanborn crew report completion of lines 1-56 of 3″ nadir/oblique…

Beaumont 80% Complete

Sanborn crew report completion of lines 1-48 of 3" nadir/oblique…

Sanborn Stops for Fuel

N735BT stops to take on fuel and will be back to collecting Beaumont…

Brazos Complete

Sanborn crew reports 6" nadir collection of Brazos is now 100%…